OSMF Flash Video Player for WordPress

Trying out this WordPress Plugin:
Flash Media Playback

Up till now, I’ve used the Viper’s Video Quicktags, which has served me well to date, and is great b/c it allows you to embed a variety of videos like YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr and a bunch more. The problem with Viper’s is the Flash option uses the jwplayer, which comes with some restrictions like non-commercial use only.

So, I think the perfect combo of WordPress video plugins is Flash Media Playback for Flash with HTML5 fallback, and Viper’s Video Quicktags for YouTube, Vimeo, etc (i.e. everything else). Read on to see the examples:

Here is a GD commercial URL:


I grabbed the iPad URL, because it’s an MP4 with H.264 encoding that’s compatible with both Flash and iPad.
And here is what I put in my WordPress post:

[ FMP width="640" height="390" controlbar="docked" autohide="false" poster="http://img1.wsimg.com/gdtv/bkg/img_IO_firstimp_640x381.jpg" playbutton="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" ]http://a1848.g.akamai.net/7/1848/13927/v001/godaddysof1.download.akamai.com/13755/jillian/firstimpressionsio_ipad.mp4[ /FMP]

And here is the outcome:
[FMP width=”640″ height=”390″ controlbar=”docked” autohide=”false” poster=”http://img1.wsimg.com/gdtv/bkg/img_IO_firstimp_640x381.jpg” playbutton=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” ]http://a1848.g.akamai.net/7/1848/13927/v001/godaddysof1.download.akamai.com/13755/jillian/firstimpressionsio_ipad.mp4[/FMP]

Here is a Video.ME video URL:


And here is the code in the post:

[ FMP width="584" height="390" controlbar="docked" autohide="false" poster="http://www.koopman.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/OFF_Drop_VidScreen.jpg" playbutton="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" ]http://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDEyMkYyRDk1MEM3MENBN0FFRDM6YTE5MTgwMThlMGQ0OTEwY2RmOGUwZjMxZWM3NjA4ZTM=[ /FMP]

And here is the result
[FMP width=”584″ height=”390″ controlbar=”docked” autohide=”false” poster=”http://www.koopman.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/OFF_Drop_VidScreen.jpg” playbutton=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” ]http://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDEyMkYyRDk1MEM3MENBN0FFRDM6YTE5MTgwMThlMGQ0OTEwY2RmOGUwZjMxZWM3NjA4ZTM=[/FMP]

I’m going to publish this now so I can view it with my iPad to see if either of these fall back to HTML5. Both should.

This is by far the easiest way to embed video into WordPress that I’ve seen. The video player is hosted by Adobe and is free to use. Doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on commercial use either. Here is the Adobe page on this player:

and it’s sister open source version is here: http://www.osmf.org/strobe_mediaplayback.html

198 thoughts on “OSMF Flash Video Player for WordPress”

  1. Sorry for the delayed response, took me a long time to get to your comment, because of huge problem with comment spam. Think I might have a better handle on the Spam now. The answer is “yes”, works with the video hosted on your web server, or anywhere that the video file is available over HTTP.

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